Improve Collaboration in the Study of Science, Department of Arabic Literature at UM Holds a General Study on Modern Linguistics

Malang, – The Department of Arabic Literature at the Faculty of Literature, State University of Malang (UM) held a General Study with the theme “Listening to the Arabic Language through the Lens of Modern Linguistics” at the Audio Visual Aula (AVA) building, Faculty of Literature, State University of Malang, on Wednesday (15/02). The event was attended by two linguistic experts, Prof. Dr. Effendi Kadarisman, M.A., Ph.D., from the Islamic University of Malang, and Dr. H. Kholisin, M.Hum. from the State University of Malang.

The event began with a speech from Dr. Mohammad Ahsanuddin, M.Pd., the chairman of the Department of Arabic Literature. “This event is an event that supports collaboration in the study of science from various perspectives, from experts in English and Arabic linguistics. This is a replacement for the regular class which we will hold once every semester,” said Ustadz Ahsanuddin. The speech was followed by Dr. Moch Syahri, M.Si., the Dean of the Faculty of Literature, who opened the General Study event. The event ended with a prayer recited by Prof. Dr. H. Imam Asrori, M.Pd. (Professor at the Faculty of Literature in the field of Arabic Language).

The first topic presented by Prof. Dr. Effendi Kadarisman was the Universality vs. Relativity of Language. The proverb “Man is a speaking animal” reflects the fact that every community has its own language that is open, layered, and consists of various aspects. The Relativity of Language means that language is unique, both in structure and culture. Its uniqueness becomes apparent when compared comparatively by listening to the universal variations within it. Language also has levels that differentiate how to speak to younger people, older people, or peers.

The second topic was continued by Dr. H. Kholisin, which was about sound and spelling. There are three spelling systems, namely alphabetical, syllabic, and logographic. For example, in the use of Arabic language, if there are no diacritical marks, it is included in the consonantal alphabetical system, and if there are diacritical marks, it is classified as full alphabetical. Some words in the language have special ways of pronunciation. Arabic is a language that is rich in the diversity of its vocabulary types, exceeding other languages in various parts of the world because Arabic morphology belongs to the root morphology that refers to consonants and patterns that refer to lingual words.

This General Study event is considered to have added value because it presented two linguistic experts who dissected one theme from different perspectives of modern linguistics. Linguistics is considered very important to be highlighted considering that the beauty of language is a component of creative work.


Universitas Negeri Malang
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