Farmers Take Action in the 2024 Presidential Election, “Petanies” Volunteers Born in Galesong

Galesong, – A young farmer from Galesong, Ahmad Husain, initiated the “Petanies” Volunteer Network on Friday (21/07) to support Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election.

Ahmad Husain registered as a Nasdem Legislative Candidate for Takalar District DPRD, expressed that his intention to form a farmer volunteer network for Anies is a concrete step for farmers in nation-building.

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According to him, farmers need to actively participate as agents of change, especially in the political sphere, by actively promoting the presidential candidate who is perceived to be supportive or concerned about agricultural progress.

“Usually, we see politicians selling issues related to agriculture, but farmers are not actively involved in shaping those issues, making them appear merely as subjects. Now, farmers must become subjects for their own progress.”

Formally, Ahmad Husain plans to garner broader support through the Petanies volunteer network.

He hopes that this volunteer movement will be successfully declared publicly in August.

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Regarding Anies’ personality, Ahmad Husain considers Anies Baswedan as a candidate with a strong vision and integrity. Additionally, Anies’ clean track record is well-known, and he is recognized as a figure who accommodates the interests of Jakarta’s multicultural society.

As for Anies’ discourse, Ahmad Husain believes that grassroots communities need a communicative figure who can explain his policies in simple language, allowing people to actively engage in development as subjects.

“Anies is highly adept at communicating his ideas, making grand concepts feel approachable. Even ordinary citizens can be involved in realizing the ideas conveyed by Anies.”

Moving forward, our future agendas include not only developing the volunteer network but also fundraising from Anies’ supporters who wish to support our movement among farmers.

Ahmad HusainPetaniesthe 2024 presidential election
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