Agriculture Ministry has issued 200 recommendations for garlic imports


Jakarta , – Indonesia’s Ministry of Agriculture disclosed on Sunday that its Directorate General of Horticulture has issued at least 200 recommendations for garlic imports with a total volume of 1.1 million tons.

“Well, it is not just for several importers. I convey that the authority for licensing garlic imports belongs to the Trade Ministry,” Director General of Horticulture Prihasto Setyanto said.

After the Agriculture Ministry issued recommendations for importing the horticultural products or RIPH, ​importers then submit Import Approval (PI) applications to the Trade Ministry,” he said in a statement released in Jakarta on Sunday.

Setyanto explained that business people must apply for the RIPH (garlic) online through what is called the balance of commodity national system or SINAS NK.

Applying through the SINAS NK which is integrated with the RIPH System has been mandated by the Minister of Agriculture Regulation Number 39 of 2019. If an application meets all administrative and technical requirements, an RIPH will be issued.

Setyanto further said the RIPH is a technical recommendation stipulating that the horticultural products that will be imported meet requirements for quality assurance and safety for consumption. It also applies the principles of good traceability and safety standards for fresh food of plant origin.

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“The RIPH is one of the required conditions that business people meet for importing horticultural products,” he stressed.

As for the 2024 RIPH application, the business actors may apply for the RIPH (garlic) according to their compliance in carrying out the mandatory planting and production of garlic as regulated in the Minister of Agriculture Regulation 39/2019, he said.

If a company has met its obligations, the Ministry of Agriculture cq. The Directorate General of Horticulture will issue a payment confirmation letter (SKL).

Thus, for companies that have implemented mandatory planting and production of garlic with the issuance of one SKL and no other planting obligations have been completed, they can apply for RIPH in 2024 for up to 4,000 tons. Those having two SKL, may apply for 5,000 tons.

To date, there have been more than 100 companies that have implemented the mandatory planting and production of garlic according to existing regulations. The ministry has also prepared various monitoring instruments for compliance in collaboration with the Food Task Force.

Acting Minister of Agriculture Arief Prasetyo Adi has earlier emphasized that his ministry is currently instilling an anti-corruption spirit and a spirit of upholding integrity in its ranks.

The spirit is shown by preparing a quick wins program within the next three months, including very fast initiative steps to reform the bureaucracy, especially those related to eradicating corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN), including through the issuance of a transparent RIPH according to the rules of the game for all garlic importers.

“I believe that the Ministry of Agriculture after this will be a dignified Ministry of Agriculture, a Ministry of Agriculture that can be proud of and a Ministry of Agriculture that can be an example for other Ministries,” he explained.

Source Antara
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