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Ministry seeks to form maritime education association in SE Asia
Jakarta, - The Ministry of Transportation has initiated efforts toward the formation of an association for Southeast Asian sailing and…
Smart Indonesia Program targeting 17.92 mln students this year
Jakarta, - The Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) is targeting 17,927,992 students this year with a budget of Rp9.66 trillion (US$624.17 million),…
Communication Ministry handles 3.7 million items of negative content
Jakarta, - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi stated that from 2018 until September 17, 2023, his ministry had handled…
Thousands Participate in Beach Cleanup in Cirebon
Cirebon, - Thousands of students and volunteers from diverse community groups enthusiastically united to address the issue of waste on…
Singapore seeks to bolster relations with Indonesian youths
Jakarta, - The Government of Singapore looks to intensify relations between Indonesian and Singaporean youths, according to Singaporean…
MUI supports police after Panji Gumilang named blasphemy suspect
Jakarta, - The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) has reiterated its support for the police in handling the blasphemy case involving Al Zaytun…
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Al Zaytun Leader Panji Gumilang Held in Custody over Alleged Religious Blasphemy
Jakarta, - Panji Gumilang, the leader of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in Indramayu, West Java, has been officially named a suspect in a…
Minister promotes Indonesia’s religious freedom to British lawmaker
Jakarta, - Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly promoted the practice of freedom of religion in Indonesia to a member of the…
Andalas Univ to register 27 weaving motifs as intellectual property
Padang, - Andalas University is planning to register 27 weaving motifs designed by craftspersons from the Minangkabau region of West Sumatra…
Al Zaytun Leader Panji Gumilang Takes Legal Action Against Ridwan Kamil for IDR 9 Trillion
Jakarta, - Panji Gumilang, the leader of Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, officially filed a lawsuit of IDR 9,000,000,000,009 against West…