Indonesia, Czech Republic cooperate to protect wildlife

JAKARTA, INDONESIANPOST.COM – The Indonesian Environment and Forestry Ministry and the Czech Republic Presidency are cooperating with the European Commission to support the protection of wildlife from the threat of extinction.
The Czech Republic Presidency of the Council of the European Union started on July 1, 2022.
The collaboration has been undertaken to protect wildlife not just in the two countries, but also all over the world, a ministry official, Novia Widyaningtyas, said at the International Conference on Wildlife Conservation here on Tuesday.
The follow-up to the cooperation between the countries will be discussed at the International Conference on Wildlife Conservation here from September 13–15, 2022.
At the conference, Indonesia and the Czech Republic will discuss three environmental areas: biodiversity between the two countries, climate change, and waste management.
The cooperation has been established based on the estimate that developmental activities carried out by humans have become a threat to wildlife.
According to a 2019 UN report, one million species across the world are facing the risk of extinction, and this necessitates the building of goodwill to stop or reverse biodiversity loss.
The two countries will share good practices related to protecting and preserving wild species and their habitats while utilizing their sustainability, which is adjusted based on the world conservation strategy principle.
The exchange of practices between the two countries will be implemented through the new integrated effort and initiative and will cover planning, policy, and real actions to encourage the involvement of all stakeholders.
According to Widyaningtyas, as a form of commitment from Indonesia, Czech Republic representatives will be invited to Alam Angke Kapuk Nature Park, North Jakarta, so they can get directly involved in ecosystem preservation efforts by planting mangroves.
The two parties will also learn how to recover the population of endangered species through technology to support wildlife conservation.
Czech Republic’s Deputy Environment Minister, Eva Volfova, emphasized that every human faces the terrible impacts of climate and biodiversity crises.
The differences between countries are not a barrier for humans to saving all wildlife from extinction, she stated.
Every good practice should be studied in detail to transform the Earth back into a livable planet for all biological species, she added.
During the conference, she lauded Indonesia as a country with a natural richness that can provide insights into her country on wildlife and conservation measures.